回复 :《扑克脸》是一部10集的“每周谜剧”,讲述的是娜塔莎·莱翁饰演的查理的故事。查理有一种非凡的能力,能判断别人是否在说谎。她与她的普利茅斯梭鱼上路,每一站都遇到新的角色和奇怪的罪行,她无法帮助解决。
回复 :托比·马奎尔和克里斯汀·韦格将与威尔·法瑞尔共同主演IFC六集迷你剧《巴比伦的陷落》。该剧描述依靠石油生意发家的Morehouse家族的故事,同时夹杂着大量的「非法武器交易」、「国际间谍活动」、「伊朗问题」、「次贷危机」等焦点话题。托比·马奎尔扮演孤儿Devon Morehouse,被即将成为石油大亨的Jonas Morehouse及其女儿Cynthia(克里斯汀·韦格)收留在家中,成了Janas的养子。Devon和Cynthia管理着Morehouse家族企业——在全球五百强企业中排名第七位。尽管Devon和Cynthia相互倾心,但他们不能相爱。
回复 :An innocent encounter on a Greek Island between two men quickly turns dangerous when one witnesses a drug deal. Back in Germany, stakes are raised further as more men are lured into their dangerous game of cat and mouse- setting in motion a series of events that blurs the line between the hunter and the hunted. A deliciously sexy series from the mind of Tor Iben, ‘We Will Never Die’ is an International gay action-thriller that will keep you guessing to the bitter end!