田立秋(谢贤 饰)、亚洲蔡凤(冯宝宝 饰)、亚洲叶一丛(林雪 饰)于60年代曾是让人闻风丧胆的杀手组织,无奈时代蜕变,三人只好脱下战衣,重归平凡生活。步入黄昏之年,谁愿意被标籤为负资产?凭藉一首电台点唱「青春之歌」,更让三人重燃心中的一团火……
田立秋(谢贤 饰)、亚洲蔡凤(冯宝宝 饰)、亚洲叶一丛(林雪 饰)于60年代曾是让人闻风丧胆的杀手组织,无奈时代蜕变,三人只好脱下战衣,重归平凡生活。步入黄昏之年,谁愿意被标籤为负资产?凭藉一首电台点唱「青春之歌」,更让三人重燃心中的一团火……
回复 :长期带着头套的神秘猫头鹰公子,是猫头鹰帮的主脑并主持一个地下拍卖会,在拍卖会现场,猫头鹰公子的黑奴、洋妞、蒙娜丽莎画作等拍品遭到客人的鄙视,对方指定要买皇帝的第36房妃子,于是猫头鹰公子派出大盗大钢牙将36房妃掳来。气急败坏的皇帝派将军寻人不成,只好遣能言鹦鹉寻找到御前侍卫后人范士林(姜大卫 饰)接下任务。范士林联络小李飞刀传人小小李(卫子云 饰)、小鱼儿后人大白鲨(曾志伟 饰)踏上寻妃旅程。同时,猫头鹰公子一方派出忍者(秦沛 饰)阻碍他们的行动。范士林三人与沈胜义(徐少强 饰)、唐门小姐等接洽后渐渐逼近猫头鹰公子,无厘头大战一触即发……
回复 :对两对夫妇来说,未来在不同的年代和不同的地方展开,但隐藏的联系将以一种无人能预料的方式把他们带到一起。
回复 :Straub-Huillet’s adaptation of Heinrich Böll’s biting satire Bonn Diary presents the reflections of a reactivated officer who is summon ed to the West German capital by the Ministry of Defense to establish an Academy for Military Memories. Straub considered his film to be an intervention against German rearmament in the Adenauer era: "Machorka-Muff is the story of a rape, the rape of a country on which an army has been imposed, a country which would have been happier without one."In "Machorka-Muff," Mr. Straub, employing the cold, somewhat expressionistic but always loquacious approach of his other films, comes closest to underlining the almost subliminal irony of his themes. He briefly outlines, through the performance of Colonel Machorka-Muff, a former Nazi who is reinstated in the Adenauer regime, the unchanging thinking of the Nazi and/or the military mind. As the colonel of the title, Dr. Johannes Eckhardt is properly cold and convincing as the believer in the rights of the soldier. Although it is the shortest and earliest of Mr. Straub's films, it is both the most lucid of his works and the most clearly indicative of his potential as an imaginative filmmaker.