欧美An imaginary place called Anjanadri where the protagonist gets the powers of Hanuman and fights for Anjanadri.
欧美An imaginary place called Anjanadri where the protagonist gets the powers of Hanuman and fights for Anjanadri.
回复 :“寻”:何倩美刚从外地返港,闲极无聊,拨电到旧居,怎料听电话的竟是自己,自此以后,她不断受电话困扰,从而揭发一宗命案。“离骚”:杨丽及其丈夫何文田两人恩爱非常。但丽行动怪异,常拿菜刀切肉斩瓜,制造噪音,令邻居聋婆不胜其烦,聋婆对丽非常憎恶,于是打小人,却被田听见她咒骂丽,怒将聋婆杀死,丽亲眼见田害死人,不知如何是好。
回复 :In a rest home for elderly people, a daughter reads her mother's diary. Soon events that are mentioned in the mother's diary begin to happen to the daughter.
回复 :A squad of unsuspecting cops goes through a trapdoor to Hell when they stumble upon a Black Mass in an abandoned building.