回复 :剧情紧接外传 Battlefield of Pacifist(和平主义者的战场),地球与殖民地的战斗于殖民后196年结束。除五飞外,希罗等四位高达驾驶员决心把高达送往太阳丢弃,然而统一的地球圈再次被人类的欲望所吞噬,战乱再一次燃起。巴顿财团利用前OZ统帅托雷斯之女作傀儡领袖成立军队,以新建之殖民地X18999为基地,同时胁持担任地球外交官的莉莉娜作人质,企图实行第二次流星作战。希罗等人进入殖民地化解危机并把高达取回作战。OVA版(全3话)第一话 - 平静的轨道第二话 - 逝去的流星第三话 - 永远之回归
回复 :“瞒着妻子……会害怕吗? ”礼司和妻子、亲友夫妇一起访问了旅馆4天3夜。明明是以和妻子生孩子为目的的,却被喝醉了的人妻(青梅竹马)从房间里带走了……而且本应是贞淑的妻子,在拉门的对面,对挚友……。在本应该是夫妇一起睡觉的被子里,和别的对象依偎在一起的4人沉溺于被禁止的“夫妇联欢旅行”——
回复 :The USS Freedom and USS Independence are the pioneering warships changing the face of battle on the sea with cutting edge design. Go inside the rigid testing that these ships must face to become part of the Navy. From a simulated high-speed attack to test the ships' guns and cannons to helicopter launches and technical failures, watch these ships attempt to achieve their mission objectives to ultimately be integrated into the U.S. Navy's Surface fleet.