回复 :When Harley joins her new boyfriend for a long Halloween weekend at his country estate, they're invaded by a band of masked freaks and forced to play a Wicked Game. To the intruders' unpleasant surprise, Harley's hard-boiled history has endowed her with a bag of tricks which give the game a surprise ending.
回复 :丽萨(德博拉·温格 Debra Winger 饰)和丈夫罗伯特(理查·詹金斯 Richard Jenkins 饰)都是一生行骗的骗术大师,在有了孩子奥德(埃文·蕾切尔·伍德 Evan Rachel Wood 饰)之后,夫妻两人自然也想将她培养成为和他们一样优秀的“人才”。一晃眼26年过去了,奥德出落成为了亭亭玉立的美人,同时也在父母身上习得了各种各样天花乱坠的骗术,然而,在奥德的内心里,她明白现在的生活并不正常,这让她对平凡的亲情更加的渴望。某日,一位名叫梅兰妮(吉娜·罗德里格兹 Gina Rodriguez 饰)的同行加入了丽萨和罗伯特的家庭中,梅兰妮的出现替丽萨打开了新世界的大门,她宛如一块巨石,被投入了平静的湖面。
回复 :Nan-ja waves around a shaving knife in a blonde wig, black stockings and miniskirt when the sun goes down. Her aim is to slit the throats of men who have betrayed their women and made them cry. However, her true goal is to take revenge on Gil-soo, Jae-goo and Man-sik who made her mother bite down on bread while they raped her to death. Then one day, Nan-ja finds one of the men she's looking for through a heartbroken woman who was going to kill herself. Nan-ja kidnaps him and drags him to the basement of her hideout where she makes him play the trumpet. Nan-ja dances to the sound of the trumpet until she slits his throat and watch the blood spurt out from the trumpet. Her revenge has begun.