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回复 :共三集:1.隐匿的王道 2.生命中的化合 3.生命的火花The Cell In a three-part series, Dr Adam Rutherford tells the extraordinary story of the scientific quest to discover the secrets of the cell and of life itself. Every living thing is made of cells, microscopic building blocks of almost unimaginable power and complexity. “I am normally not a lover of scientific docu’s but this one I found I had to watch all 3 parts back to back”.The Hidden KingdomThe first part explores how centuries of scientific and religious dogma were overturned by the earliest discoveries of the existence of cells, and how scientists came to realize that there was, literally, more to life than meets the eye.The Chemistry of LifeThis episode explores how scientists delved ever deeper into the world of the cell, seeking to reveal the magic ingredient that can spark a bundle of chemicals into life. Their discoveries have brought us to the brink of being able to create life for ourselves.The Spark of LifeThe final part reveals how our knowledge of cells has brought us to the brink of one of the most important moments in history. Scientists are close to repeating what has happened only once in four billion years - the creation of a new life form.
回复 :FBI为美国的特勤单位由于性质特殊原本工作便很繁重而首府华盛顿特区,更由于是恐怖攻击锁定的头号目标,因此华府FBI的任务更比其他地区吃力许多,节目中特别以美国总统一年一度的国情咨文演说为重心,介绍华府FBI如何绷紧神经,处理各种可能的恐怖攻击行动。节目一开始FBI就在五角大厦附近发现一名孤狼恐怖份子他在将汽车停放在五角大厦附近后遭逮捕;有一天中午用餐时间华府市区又发现可疑邮包......