阿拉A college freshman moves into the perfect dorm on campus, but soon discovers the previous resident died under mysterious circumstances. Believing the girl was murdered, she tries to uncover the identity of the killer before it's too late.
阿拉A college freshman moves into the perfect dorm on campus, but soon discovers the previous resident died under mysterious circumstances. Believing the girl was murdered, she tries to uncover the identity of the killer before it's too late.
回复 :Documentary that explores the San Quentin Prison basketball squad - teammates and inmates at "the Q" - along their journey of rehabilitation and possible redemption.
回复 :龙城是三省五县水陆交通咽喉,清末,龙城城里一秘密反清组织“血盟堂”遵照孙文先生的指示,据要冲而扼制官兵,准备联合起事,由于内奸告密,致使总部几次派人前往龙城与“血盟堂”联络都惨遭杀害。双枪假面人老三金子彪去复仇,得到双抢假面人的帮助。张广义请来武艺高强的白劳德,并收买“血盟堂”老大共同对付双抢假面人。经过仔细分析,怀疑的焦点集中在方大年身上。假面人就是方大年,而金子彪就是隐藏已久的内奸,其内奸身份被大年当众揭穿。
回复 :Jeannie(张柏芝饰)是一个空姐,与工程师Alan(陈奕迅饰)相遇在同一辆车上,之后便开始了他们的爱恋。刚开始的时候,两人都打得火热,深深投入到彼此的生活,如胶似漆。跟很多恋情一样,Alan厌倦Jeannie对他管太紧的方式,开始挣扎,Jeannie认为自己已把一切给了男友,便全身心投入感情,但渐渐的两人之间当初热恋的感觉不再,感情转淡。Jeannie努力挽回感情,两人也复合了,Jeannie在这时才发现自己已不再爱Alan了,导致最后分手收场。Jeannie消失于Alan的生活中,独自一人继续游走在繁华的都会里,寻找另一个“十二夜”,她也遇到了另一个令她心动的人。