大学生丁鑫和刘梦为拍摄农村风俗纪录片进入一个村落,国产在目睹了充满诡异气息的 “还人”仪式后,国产两人跟随“高人”王婆夫妇来到一处偏远的山庄拍摄驱邪过程。然而 事情却向更加诡异的方向发展,驱邪四人组经历着人性的考验,生命岌岌可危,而所发 生的一切都被丁鑫和刘梦的摄影机默默记录着......
大学生丁鑫和刘梦为拍摄农村风俗纪录片进入一个村落,国产在目睹了充满诡异气息的 “还人”仪式后,国产两人跟随“高人”王婆夫妇来到一处偏远的山庄拍摄驱邪过程。然而 事情却向更加诡异的方向发展,驱邪四人组经历着人性的考验,生命岌岌可危,而所发 生的一切都被丁鑫和刘梦的摄影机默默记录着......
回复 :Jin scowls into the camera when her sister – the filmmaker – asks about her earliest memories. No wonder: these memories are anything but pleasant. Jin was born in the 1990s, during China’s one-child policy. It was normal then for unborn girls to be aborted – right up to the last month of a pregnancy, because boys were preferred. Living babies were also ruthlessly dumped in the...
回复 :A terrified wife tries to escape from her insanely jealous husband who is bent on killing her.
回复 :Gunasingam,一个热爱家庭的农民,来自一个小镇,尽管他被许多人误解,但他尽力保持他的大家庭团结。