回复 :IKEA is undoubtedly one of the world's most successful, enigmatic, and recognisable global brands. Last year nearly 800 million people in 49 countries visited its stores, which had a turnover of more than £30 billion.In a major new three-part series, our cameras explore the world of IKEA, from the design studios to factories and stores, for the very first time.Few companies can legitimately claim to shape the way we live today. Fewer still inspire a cult-like devotion in customers and employees alike. But IKEA is not like other companies.The famously secretive Swedish furniture retailer is guided by the principle of creating 'the better everyday life for the many people'. But what is the secret to its success? How does the machine of IKEA affect the people who work for it, and how does its ruthlessly efficient business model affect the world?
回复 :
回复 :为了争夺名震江湖的《连城诀》,同门师兄弟戚长发(于东江 饰)和万震山(杜志国 饰)之间展开了激烈的交战,并将狄云(吴樾 饰)和其恋人戚芳(何美钿 饰)卷入其中。在万震山的设计之下,狄云含冤入狱,而戚芳则含恨嫁给了万震山之子万圭(钱泳辰 饰)。狄云在狱中结识了大侠丁典(王海地 饰),两人结为莫逆之交。之后,狄云越狱,在机缘巧合之下练就神功,名震江湖。为了报仇雪恨,狄云找到了万震山和万圭,将他们封入墙中,哪知道善良的戚芳心软放出了万圭,却反而死在了丈夫手下。狄云陷入了绝望之中,幸得水笙(舒畅 饰)一路照拂安慰,两人之间渐渐产生了真挚的情谊。