故事发生在宋朝时代,陈世美(马长礼 饰)和秦香莲(张君秋 饰)本是恩爱的夫妻,心怀着远大理想的陈世美决定进京赶考,秦香莲则一边照顾两人的孩子一边留在老家等待丈夫的喜讯。功夫不负有心人,陈世美果然一举夺得了头筹,然而,命运的意外转变也激发了他内心的心魔,他早已经忘记了在老家的藏糠之妻,只想着如何成为驸马爷。眼看着丈夫迟迟没有归来,秦香莲决定带着孩子入京寻夫,没想到,陈世美不但不理会二人的苦苦哀求,更想要杀死两人灭口。最终,秦香莲找到了包拯诉说自己的冤情,包拯一怒之下将陈世美铡死了。
故事发生在宋朝时代,陈世美(马长礼 饰)和秦香莲(张君秋 饰)本是恩爱的夫妻,心怀着远大理想的陈世美决定进京赶考,秦香莲则一边照顾两人的孩子一边留在老家等待丈夫的喜讯。功夫不负有心人,陈世美果然一举夺得了头筹,然而,命运的意外转变也激发了他内心的心魔,他早已经忘记了在老家的藏糠之妻,只想着如何成为驸马爷。眼看着丈夫迟迟没有归来,秦香莲决定带着孩子入京寻夫,没想到,陈世美不但不理会二人的苦苦哀求,更想要杀死两人灭口。最终,秦香莲找到了包拯诉说自己的冤情,包拯一怒之下将陈世美铡死了。
回复 :历经了多少挫折和辛酸,成立才刚刚一年的都立瑞泽高中竞技花牌部终于有幸要走向全国大赛的会场。借此机缘,绫濑千早(广濑丝丝 饰)也与儿时的好友绵谷新(真剑佑 饰)完成了久违的会面。只不过由于作为精神支柱的爷爷的去世,绵谷似乎丧失了前进的勇气和目标,早已远离花牌赛场。为他的状态担忧的还有绵谷宿命的强敌——最强女王的若宫诗畅(松冈茉优 饰)。为了打败女王,千早独自展开练习,不知不觉中却与大江奏(上白石萌音 饰)、西田优征(矢本悠马 饰)、驹野勉(森永悠希 饰)、真岛太一(野村周平 饰)等伙伴疏远了距离。大赛在即,少男少女们即将度过一个刻骨铭心的夏天……本片根据末次由纪的同名漫画改编。
回复 :Following a massive heart attack, Randal enlists his friends and fellow clerks Dante, Elias, Jay, and Silent Bob to make a movie immortalizing his life at the convenience store that started it all. “Clerks III” stars Brian O’Halloran, Jeff Anderson, Trevor Fehrman, Austin Zajur, Jason Mewes, Marilyn Ghigliotti, Rosario Dawson, and Kevin Smith.
回复 :In this notorious Nazi propaganda historical costume melodrama, a conniving, ambitious Jewish businessman, Suess Oppenheimer, snares a post as treasurer to the Duke of Wurttemburg by showering the corrupt duke with treasure and promises of even greater riches. As the Jew's schemes grow more elaborate and his actions more brazen, the dukedom nearly erupts into civil war. Persuaded by the Jew, the Duke all but scuttles the constitution and alienates the assembly by lifting the local ban on Jews in Stuttgart. In a final outrage, the Jew rapes a wholesome German girl and tortures her father and fiancee. When the Duke succumbs to a sudden heart attack, the assembly of Elders try the Jew and sentence him to death for having "carnal knowledge of a Christian woman."Summary written by Kevin Rayburn