回复 :A deserted pond. Two lonely children fall under the spell of this wild place that, little by little, draws them closer to each other and gives them the strength to cope with life. Seen through their eyes, and through their imaginations, the pond becomes a secret kingdom, both marvellous and frightening, thronging with creatures born from dreams or nightmares. The children experience an initiation, brief and intense, from which they will emerge transformed.
回复 :侠盗“一枝花”专劫富济贫故为人钦佩,却因正义感得罪了一名蛇蝎美人,该女子名叫“仇女”虽嫁与一土豪“孤寒财主”为妾但始终不忘被“一枝花”所辱,誓必要将“一枝花”置于死地。“一枝花”浪迹江湖,但“仇女”并未因而放过他,反而更诬造许多盗窃案令官方大举追缉之。其时江湖上出现两个小人物,一肥一瘦,肥名“胀爆”为人憨直,因仰慕“一枝花”而喜扮大侠,瘦名“扭纹柴”常自作聪明经常撞板,喜占小便宜,为了官方之花红到处找寻“一枝花”,而偶遇上“胀爆”后来反成莫逆之交,两人更结伴一同寻找“一枝花”……
回复 :As the innocent Célène (Paola Locatelli) falls in love with popular surfer Tristan (Simon Rérolle) in her new school, she has no idea that she’s the object of a cruel bet between Tristan and Instagram queen Vanessa (Ella Pellegrini) Dangerous Liaisons, a film starring Paola Locatelli and Simon Rérolle, only on Netflix, July 8th.