單身許久的中年男子阿三終於再次心動了,双面但卻遲遲無法對玉蓮展開行動。多年陪伴在阿三身邊,双面隱忍多年、不離不棄的好友⋯⋯也就是他的雞雞,真的受不了啦! 頹軟的雞雞化身變成人,誓言要把阿三的廢物人生砍掉重練!阿三與他的雞雞上演一場理性與感性、大頭與小頭的廝殺大戰。
單身許久的中年男子阿三終於再次心動了,双面但卻遲遲無法對玉蓮展開行動。多年陪伴在阿三身邊,双面隱忍多年、不離不棄的好友⋯⋯也就是他的雞雞,真的受不了啦! 頹軟的雞雞化身變成人,誓言要把阿三的廢物人生砍掉重練!阿三與他的雞雞上演一場理性與感性、大頭與小頭的廝殺大戰。
回复 :Hollywood-style time travel tales like to focus their attention on cultural fads and fashions: clothes, music, slang, daily technologies. The ingeniously low-budget Irish sci-fi film LOLA has fun with all of that, but also investigates darker, more global questions like: what if Germany had won World War II?Pieced together in dazzling 16mm as an imaginary collage of interlocking audio-visual documents from the 1940s, Andrew Legge, directing his debut feature, conjures the lives of two gifted and lively sisters, Thomasina and Martha. Left to their own devices as children, the pair has managed to create a machine that receives media broadcasts from the future. In their personal, cloistered, punk paradise, they embrace the rebellious styles of an age to come – The Kinks, David Bowie – but also discover, when military personnel move in, that history is a dangerous game to toy with. The ultimate question becomes: if mass media can change the world, can cinema miraculously restore it?Just like the monument to bricolage created by its characters, LOLA is an inspired conceit in the style of Guy Maddin, Woody Allen’s Zelig (1983) and Peter Jackson’s Forgotten Silver (1996). It’s a surreal romp through scratches, glitches and speculative possibilities.
回复 :马克·欧布莱恩(约翰·浩克斯 John Hawkes 饰)曾在幼年时期患上过小儿麻痹症。疾病的后遗症不仅让他再也没有站起来过,并且还让他饱受呼吸困难的折磨。虽然已过而立之年的他早已成为一名成功的诗人兼记者,但作为一个男人,却从未尝试过性的滋味。在向牧师朋友多次寻求指引 后,他毅然决定通过雇佣专业性从业者来帮助自己完成这个愿望。于是谢尔(海伦·亨特 Helen Hunt 饰)出现在了马克的生活里。然而对于马克这样特殊的情况,谢尔一开始也觉得无所适从。但是渐渐地,两人不仅从医患关系变为朋友,谢尔同时也给予了马克追求幸福和爱的勇气,让马克迈出了追寻爱的第一步。本片根据真人真事改编。片中谢尔的扮演者海伦·亨特获得第85届奥斯卡最佳女配角等多项电影节提名。
回复 :本剧是一部描写现代家庭情感的电视剧,导演和主创人员皆为电视剧《红蜘蛛》的原班人马。每两集一个故事,通过对十个具有典型性的“问题家庭”的案例分析,向人们提出警示—该以怎样的态度面对家庭矛盾,以维持家庭的圆满,避免悲剧的发生,促进社会的安定团结。剧中通过十个家庭案件,揭示出个人内心的虚弱,描绘了人们由于情感错位引起的犯罪。导演将通过“情感十戒”向观众警示:每个人都应保持对生存的警戒,坚守生存规范。该剧延续了《红蜘蛛》的纪实风格,并且加强了整体的艺术性。都晓介绍说,《家庭档案》不完全是纪实,但故事却力求真实,贴近老百姓的生活。为此,在演员的选择上剧组拒绝大腕加盟,选用一些实力很强的演员,除了史可、李婷、刘冠军等几位观众熟悉的演员外,大多数演员都是新面孔。