The host of an investigative news show is convinced by the CIA that the friends he has invited to a weekend in the country are engaged in a conspiracy that threatens national security in this adaptation of the Robert Ludlum novel.
The host of an investigative news show is convinced by the CIA that the friends he has invited to a weekend in the country are engaged in a conspiracy that threatens national security in this adaptation of the Robert Ludlum novel.
回复 :公元1126年,北宋靖康元年。漠北女真人以4万铁骑入侵中原。由于太上皇宋徽宗的昏聩以及军备疏散,金兵长驱直入,如入无人之境。一路烧杀抢掠,直攻到东京汴梁。城破之日,金兵虏徽、钦二帝,是为靖康之耻。此后钦宗之弟赵高继位,是为高宗。一代英雄岳飞护佑高宗,被困牛头山。为迫岳飞投降,金将兀术派二太子金弹子(张成忠 饰)、三公主银铃子(张希玲 饰)和张兆奴(张跃宁 饰)前去偷袭岳家庄,欲虏岳母以作要挟。岳飞之子岳云(寻峰 饰)自幼喜好舞枪弄棒,一双银锤使得风生水起。他闻听父亲被困牛头山,计划偷偷前往助阵,却被几个兄弟掣肘。牛皋之子牛通(刘卫民 饰)偶然遇见伪装后的金弹子等人,无意中得知偷袭计划,于是连忙赶往岳家庄报信。得知消息的岳家小将们整饬装备,等待即将到来的一场大战……
回复 :Based on groom kidnappings in Bihar, where the groom is kidnapped to avoid dowry, the film has Siddharth Malhotra playing a thug who helps kidnap grooms. It also features Parineeti Chopra in a prominent role.
回复 :艾玛·麦肯(《性爱自修室》)、罗曼·杜里斯([新女友])将主演法语新片[艾菲尔铁塔](Eiffel,暂译)。马丁·布尔布隆([要爸还是妈])执导。影片将围绕艾菲尔铁塔背后的爱情故事展开。艾玛将饰演Adrienne Bourgès,一名与工程师居斯塔夫·埃菲尔有关的神秘、出身名门的女性。故事讲述艾菲尔与弗里德利·奥古斯特·巴特勒迪合作成功自由女神像后,他为1889年巴黎世界博览会设计一些引人注目的东西而倍感压力,在寻找灵感时,他偶遇了Adrienne,他们之间禁忌的激情也为艾菲尔铁塔的设计带来了灵感。该片将于8月开拍。