回复 :Jonas, a 40 something Parisian, is still desperately in love with his ex-girlfriend Léa. When he knocks on her door to confess his feelings and she turns him down, he ends up at the café downstairs.Inspiration strikes and he sits down to write her a long love letter, dodging everything he was supposed to do that day. What begins as a last attempt to get her back surprisingly turns into a vivid musing on the state of his life.Over the course of a day, helped by a wisecracking bartender and an array of patrons from the neighborhood, Jonas has to face his past relationships, his uncertain future and, most of all, himself.
回复 :1939年二战爆发,为打击英国的贸易航线,德意志帝国战争海军在战争爆发之前的8月份就派出了三艘德意志级袖珍战列舰前往大西洋。相比英军战列舰,德意志级航速更快可以逃脱;相比英军巡洋舰,德意志级装甲和火力更为强大。“斯佩伯爵海军上将”号就是德意志级中最先进的一艘,从1939年8月到11月活跃于印度洋和大西洋的盟国航线之上。由于英国仅有的三艘战列巡洋舰需要布置在本土密切注意德国沙恩霍斯特级战列舰,猎杀德意志级的任务只能交给巡洋舰们。1939年12月13日,轻巡洋舰“阿贾克斯”号、“阿基里斯”号和重巡洋舰“埃克塞特”号在南美拉普拉塔河口发现了“斯佩伯爵”,一番追击战过后,“斯佩伯爵”耗光了自己的弹药,躲进中立国乌拉圭的蒙得维的亚港。乌拉圭政府极力避免卷入战争,留给“斯佩伯爵”的时间只有72小时,她和她的舰员将会面临怎样的命运?
回复 :In a future world ruled by good-looking people, a terrorist group of mutants led by Ramon Yarritu kidnap the daughter of Orujo, a rich businessman, to claim for the rights of the ugly people. Escaping from the police in their spaceship, Ramon try to kill his gang in order to get all the ransom. The trip ends abruptly when they crash in Axturiax, the planet of the crazy miners where no woman lives