回复 :Helen West is a crown prosecutor who cares about people in the criminal justice system and seeks to ensure that justice is done. She has a particular interest in women's issues and has to put up with her somewhat odd superior and his cleanliness phobia. She recognizes that it's the role of the police to find the evidence but also feels it warranted to occasionally investigate matters herself. Unmarried, she is also in a relationship with Chief Supt. Bailey, though neither seem to be able to make up their minds about their futures or what they want to get out of life.
回复 :有钱人家的少爷车东株(金载沅 饰)目前为止的人生充满着悲剧性。亲眼目睹自己的继父把心爱的爷爷杀死,而自己因为受惊吓不幸从楼上跌下,导致听力受阻,从此进入到了无声的世界;被母亲收留的奉马陆(南宫民 饰)从小受尽欺负,颇具野心的他想要改变这种困境,最后被东株的母亲收留,可这背后又有着阴谋和内情;马陆名义上的妹妹,善良独立的女孩奉宥利(黄静茵 饰)小时候曾经和东株结缘,长大后再次在路上和东株邂逅,却看到了离家出走的哥哥马陆的影子。一出无奈的成人童话,借由这几个人物被道来。一直以来把没有听力这件事伪装的很好的东株为什么在面对宥利时,却总是破功呢,好想听到她的声音……
回复 :我本在中东執行任务,却因为意外穿越到古代还是个皇帝!开局经典夺权筹码,不仅設計謀害我还要让我的皇后陪我一起走?看我如何整頓朝堂,再扫清六合,娶天下美人!