回复 :Volker Schlöndorff transposes Bertolt Brecht’s late-expressionist work to latter-day 1969. Poet and anarchist Baal lives in an attic and reads his poems to cab drivers. At first feted and later rejected by bourgeois society, Baal roams through forests and along motorways, greedy for schnapps, cigarettes, women and men: ‘You have to let out the beast, let him out into the sunlight.’ After impregnating a young actress he soon comes to regard her as a millstone round his neck. He stabs a friend to death and dies alone. ‘You are useless, mangy and wild, you beast, you crawl through the lowest boughs of the tree.’The film takes youthful impetuousness and hatred of oppression as its subject and also ponders the cult of genius and sexual morals. Rainer Werner Fassbinder simultaneously plays both Baal and himself and is surrounded by many actors who were later to perform in his own films. After the film was broadcast on West German television, Brecht’s widow Helene Weigel prohibited any further screenings, arguing that the social circumstances engendering Baal’s rebelliousness had not been adequately explained.
回复 :这是一个发生在传奇城市深圳(北上广的缩影)关于爱情与梦想的故事。也是一个关于现实与奋斗的故事,更是一个关于欲望与救赎的故事。一路上他们憧憬过,感叹过,他们也曾豪情万丈,也曾伤痕累累。太多欢笑酸,在这里持续上演......
回复 :天空一声菊响,陨石闪亮登场——陨石一个蛋疼撞击了东京湾,并且散发出t病毒。于是日本在经历众巨型怪兽群奸之后又要应付新一波的丧尸危机——军队依旧那么不管用,丧尸门三下两除二便将军队给爆了个菊,但是军队还是军队,丧尸也损兵折将不少——与此同时,本片的女主人公:高达惠子,也开始与丧尸进行各种sm捆绑大战!!!