回复 :叶凡(杨昊铭饰)在大学毕业前夕向暗恋多年的陶萄(关芯饰)告白成功,不想当天陶萄车祸去世,叶凡痛失爱人。接着,叶凡偶然得到陶萄的一部旧手机,误打误撞接通了四年前、2018年正在读高三的陶萄。这一通电话偶然地改变了两人的命运,也开启了两人通过神奇的旧手机互相救赎、互相牺牲的一段奇幻爱情之旅。
回复 :
回复 :入围塔林电影节影评人之选竞赛。Masterfully orchestrated – with only a small budget, the setting basically consisting of a table, two chairs, two persons talking, one mysterious manuscript and some little food in-between – this two-men drama reminds me of Robert Bresson’s famous words about filmmaking: “Two types of films: those that employ the resources of the theatre (actors, direction, etc.) and use the camera in order to reproduce, and those that employ the resources of cinematography and use the camera to create. (Robert Bresson. “Notes on the Cinematograph”, New York Review of Books, 2016)