杀死Jim Slater seeks a survivor of the Apache ambush his father died in.
杀死Jim Slater seeks a survivor of the Apache ambush his father died in.
回复 :驻守沙漠军人里昂,惊闻兄长被人陷害烧伤,激愤之余,决定回美见亲兄最后一面。岂料到达后,噩号传来,为暗助兄嫂还清医院欠账,里昂毅然参与连场血腥血雨的地下拳赛,战战惊心。
回复 :Chicken People is a funny and uplifting look at the world of show chickens and the people who love them. Starting at the largest national poultry competition, likened to the Westminster Dog Show for chickens, Chicken People follows three top competitors over the course of a year as they grapple with life's challenges while vying to win the next year's crown. Both humorous and heartfelt, Chicken People is an unforgettable celebration of the human spirit.
回复 :英国海军的德文郡号军舰在中国领海内被遭到不明鱼雷攻击沉没。为了查明情况,英国海军决定动用武力,派出军舰前往出事海域进行反击。然而却被秘密情报负责人M(朱迪·丹奇 Judi Dench 饰)阻止,并派出代号007的情报员詹姆斯·邦德(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)去查清真正的原因,避免两国之间一触即发的战争。在不断深入的调查中,媒体大亨卡佛(乔纳森·普雷斯 Jonathan Pryce 饰)进入了邦德的视线。而且在卡佛举办的晚宴上,邦德遇上了前女友帕丽丝(泰瑞·海切尔 Teri Hatcher 饰),现在的卡佛夫人。在帕丽丝的帮助下,邦德利用GPS让已出动的英国军舰偏离了航道为自己的调查争取到了宝贵的时间。从卡佛处偷来的设备上,邦德发现了沉没军舰的准确位置,不过在沉船处却与中国女特工林惠(杨紫琼 饰)一起被卡佛擒获。原来,卡佛是想通过引发战争来获得全球媒体的垄断地位。这一次,邦德能否逃出魔掌捣毁卡佛的阴谋?