有精Life goes on after the tragic deaths of Hank and Dean. Meanwhile, the Monarch deals with life inside but you can't keep a good criminal mastermind down. But will King Gorilla prove to be his greatest ally, or his worst betrayer
有精Life goes on after the tragic deaths of Hank and Dean. Meanwhile, the Monarch deals with life inside but you can't keep a good criminal mastermind down. But will King Gorilla prove to be his greatest ally, or his worst betrayer
回复 :电视动画《博多豚骨拉面团》改编自木崎千秋所著的同名轻小说作品,于2017年7月10日宣布TV动画化 [1-2] ,由SATELIGHT负责动画制作。 [3] 于2018年1月12日起每周五在AT-X首播。全12话。
回复 :In an episode of Turbo Titans Go Force, the Titans gain the ability to transform into cars; the Titans must learn to work together to stop Dr. Military.
回复 :在一个晴朗的仲夏之夜,贝璐丹蒂(井上喜久子 配音)、森里萤一(菊池正美 配音)、乌露德(冬马由美 配音)和苏库露德(久川绫 配音)四人其乐融融,插科打诨,闹出不少的笑话。就在此时,不速之客突然降临。来者是以偏差值No.1著称的圣饭纲女子学园毕业生艾露和莎嘉,她们是助人女神事务所的见习生,这两个高傲的小女神为了尽早出人头地,斗胆向超有名气的前辈贝璐丹蒂发起挑战。挑战内容是传说中的“王者之潮”。炎热的海边,一场进场刺激却又别开生面的夏日大战即将拉开序幕……本片根据藤岛康介的同名漫画改编,为该动画的OAD版。