回复 :洛克和小伙伴们在打扫图书馆的时候,发现了一本神秘日记;冒失的他们,竟被吸入了日记的世界里。在这个崭新的异次元,有搞怪的宠物、霸气的领主、居心叵测的伯爵,还有女妖和黑暗山庄庄主,而这一切的背后竟然是……到底洛克、可丽和菲尔特,会展开怎么样惊心动魄、新奇好玩的一段历险,最后,又能不能从日记里逃出来呢?快快快,全新一季的洛克王国动画片——《恩佐日记》等你来看!
回复 :故事穿越了多个不同的空间,从主角星猫所在的天神星到12星座战士的不同领地,空间的交换带动着整个故事情节的发展。
回复 :In a magical universe, witches, warriors begin fighting in the name of good .vs. evil! A group of five teenaged girls where choosen to defend the universe with their magical powers. They're smart, They're stylish and they are magical fairies, They are the Winx Club! The Winx Club must defend their universe from having it be turned into darkness and terror by the Senior Witches. The magic is in you on the Winx Club. Written by Stuart Brewer