回复 :Set inside a pre-war duplex in downtown Manhattan, The Humans follows the course of an evening in which the Blake family gathers to celebrate Thanksgiving. As darkness falls outside the crumbling building, mysterious things start to go bump in the night and family tensions reach a boiling point
回复 :三十年代的上海滩,胆小如鼠的青龙帮小弟闫大海发现自己身患绝症之际,竟阴差阳错当上了警察。为了给梦中女神--飞乐门舞女杜卿挣赎身钱,他计划在自己生命中所剩不多的时间里因公殉职,从而拿到抚恤金拯救女神。然而,在他疯狂执行铲除“黑帮”、“毒枭”任务以身赴死期间,却总是事与愿违求死不得死,反而得到屡屡升迁。然而,纸醉金迷的上海滩,还隐藏着更大的危机……
回复 :Story of an inventor who, suffering betrayal in life, makes a career of it by becoming a clown whose act consists of getting slapped by all the other clowns. He falls in love with another circus performer, and those who betrayed him enter his life yet again.