回复 :单亲妈妈阿琳·麦肯尼(海伦·亨特 Helen Hunt饰)生活拮据,为了抚养儿子特雷弗·麦肯尼(海利·乔·奥斯蒙特Haley Joel Osment饰)而拼命工作,唯有借酒消愁才能打发深深的失落与无助。相依为命的两母子,一直过着毫无希望的生活。然而这一切在有一天发生了改变。特雷弗的社会学老师尤金·赛门特(凯文·斯帕西Kevin Spacey饰)布置了一道特殊家庭作业:让世界变得更美好。深信善有善报的特雷弗,决心从自己做起,于是他把无家可归的流浪汉请到了自己家中。以彰显人性本善,宣传世界美好为题的社会伦理片《让爱传出去》,由美国女导演咪咪·莱德执导。咪咪为本片推出全奥斯卡阵容:曾获奥斯卡最佳男主角的凯文·斯帕西担当男主角,女主角则由荣获过奥斯卡最佳女主角的海伦·亨特出演,童星海利·乔·奥斯蒙特饰演让世界变得更加美好的小主人公特雷弗。
回复 :Suffering from mental scars, a Marine war veteran struggles with his transition back to civilian life.
回复 :Jennifer Shannon (Lori Loughlin) has a gift for finding rare treasures hidden in garage sales that she can resell at her consignment store, Rags to Riches. But her keen eye for finding valuables also gets her involved in the criminal investigations that happen at the very second-hand sales she frequents. When Jennifer's friend and self-storage facility owner Martin (Michael Kopsa) turns up murdered-just hours after auctioning off an abandoned storage unit full of unique items to Jennifer-she is immediately pulled on the case as a key eyewitness. Working with Detective Lynwood (Kevin O'Grady), Jennifer helps single out a disgruntled customer as the prime suspect, while she and her business partner, Danielle (Strange), sift through boxes from the auction. As her husband Jason (Bacic) worries about her safety, Jennifer starts to get over her head when there is a break-in at her store, and a run-in with Martin's angry wife. Then, Jennifer and Danielle discover their new merchandise contains the sparkly evidence they needed all along to nail the surprising real culprit, and they must race to save a life-and put their own on the line.