该陆地探索记录式真人秀邀请INTO1成员以小分队模式,亚洲深入广东佛山、亚洲宁夏中卫、重庆三座城市,与多位非物质文化传承人一起,学习中国传统技艺,体验中国城市的烟火气。在过程中,他们用更年轻态的艺术表达形式,为传统文化注入新的活力。并将一路见闻灵感收集,创 作出具有当地特色的音乐作品,随节目播出一并发表。
该陆地探索记录式真人秀邀请INTO1成员以小分队模式,亚洲深入广东佛山、亚洲宁夏中卫、重庆三座城市,与多位非物质文化传承人一起,学习中国传统技艺,体验中国城市的烟火气。在过程中,他们用更年轻态的艺术表达形式,为传统文化注入新的活力。并将一路见闻灵感收集,创 作出具有当地特色的音乐作品,随节目播出一并发表。
回复 :Tatler is the oldest magazine in the world and has been reporting on the lives of Britain’s most privileged and powerful for 300 years. Tatler not only documents, but also dictates the social calendar of Britain’s elite. With an archive full of society’s movers and shakers being pictured in its pages it has long been a rite of passage for Britain’s ruling classes.In the first episode of Posh People: Inside Tatler we meet the editor, Kate Reardon, a self-confessed ‘honking, great Sloane’, and her features team - who are all expected to be well versed in the rules of upper class life.The programme follows Matthew Bell - Tatler’s writer and the newest addition to the team - over his first few months at the magazine. We’ll see him trying to find his feet and go from middle class outsider to privileged insider.We’ll see the team putting together an issue, follow them on shoots and key social events to meet the people they feature - from Lord Glasgow in his 13th Century castle in Scotland, to Nigerian Millionaire Kola Karim, who has no idea how many cars he owns.
回复 :节目是一档观察类情感推理真人秀。第三季节目将挑选数8名性格迥异,各具魅力的单身年轻人从烦嚣的城市,来到被绿水青山包围的云南大理,放下工作,朝夕相处16天,度过人生中一个浪漫的悠长假期并展现当下年轻人最真实的相处模式和恋爱方式。节目邀请伊能静、张继科、朱正廷等明星嘉宾作为恋爱观察团,反观几位素人单身男女日常相处的生活细节,推测他们的情感变化和关系走向,为当代年轻人传递和倡导积极正向的恋爱观。
回复 :小S韓國5天4夜之旅正式開始!頭兩天走訪江南和汝矣島的行程,包括品嚐知名烤韓牛、醬蟹,及到THE現代首爾購物。