回复 :What could be more natural than romance, finding the perfect partner and falling in love? In fact every ingredient in this scenario, so beloved of romantics everywhere, had to be invented. In this three-part series Lucy Worsley will delve into the history of romance to uncover the forces shaping our very British happily ever after. The series will reveal how even our most intimate thoughts and feelings have been affected by social, political and cultural ideas.
回复 :
回复 :《尸骨袋》改编自斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King)的同名恐怖小说。畅销小说作家Mike Noonan(皮尔斯·布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰),在妻子Jo(安娜贝丝·吉什 Annabeth Gish 饰)死后,无法走出悲痛的深渊。他不断地梦到和Jo一 起购买的缅因州湖畔别墅,梦到装在袋子里的腐烂尸骨,梦见Jo也从裹尸袋中奔跑而出。终于他在Jo的召唤下回到了那栋诡异的别墅。在那里,他卷入了一桩年轻美貌寡妇与家财万贯的祖父对小女孩的抚养权争夺战,并不时遭遇神秘鬼魂的骚扰。那些不断升级的噩梦,还有神秘鬼魂的骚扰,都让他意识到,这个小镇隐藏着一些秘密,而死去的Jo也有事情想要告诉他……