回复 :A heroic fantasy about an artist’s destiny at the tumultuous time of social transformations. One of director Alexander Mitta’s best films. The south of Russia, 1920. In a town square, a mono-performance is on, based on Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”. The film’s hero who took the pseudonym “Revarm”, which stands for “Revolutionary Art for the Masses”, is seriously interested in theatre. The real life and the stage one are intertwined in his destiny. In a provincial town where the power continuously changes hands, going from the Reds to the Whites, from the Whites to a band of the Greens, this youthful stage reformer, endowed with the gift of persuasion, attracts people to his cause, leaving no one indifferent.
回复 :前身是皇軍軍港的吳港,戰後成為船塢工人的生活煉獄。在資本家剝削和枯燥生活的雙重煎熬下,躁動的年輕生命,一頭栽進暴力漩渦,延擱成長,終日在打鬥、賭博、酗酒中尋找暫時的麻醉。吉田喜重通過工頭之眼,對不合理的社會現實作出欲迎還拒的批判,被視為日本新浪潮代表作之一。香山美子飾演純真的酒館女待,同情工人卻慘被強姦,正與負的能量,在大時代中比拼互滲,可有超越對與錯,是與非的位置?片末火車站送別一場,在家和社會之間,吉田喜重作出了左翼的選擇。One of the key films ushering in the Shochiku "New Wave" era, this raw tale of migrant laborers at a post-war naval base simmers with youthful outrage. Responsible shipyard worker Shimazaki (Hayakawa) is put in charge of new recruits from Osaka. The immature gang quickly finds trouble drinking, gambling, and fighting, and eventually trespassing against what Shimazaki holds most dear - local bargirl Nobu. Revenge, honor, and loyalty are all called into question. Yoshida's groundbreaking film portrayed real social issues in an unromantic light, and paved the way for all the cinematic "roughs" to come.- SummerIFF 2007
回复 :凌靖(黄晓明 饰)连续四年成为香港警察狙击手队伍的第一神枪手,上司与队友对他赞赏有嘉,可自视甚高的他却不大喜欢跟人家打交道,他唯一的幸福就是太太的陪伴。一次剿匪行动中,凌靖失手打死人质——城中首富独子。富商向警察部不断施压,最后凌靖被判误杀入狱四年。自从凌靖离开,原来警队第二的克明(任贤齐 饰)成为了最强的一个,当年正是他做假证害凌靖入狱。凌靖发誓要向出卖他的警队和克明报仇。O仔(陈冠希 饰)是警校的高材生,枪法如神、用枪技术一流,很快被克明招揽加入香港警察狙击队队伍。在听说在凌靖的故事后对他感到好奇,在偶然的机会下遇到凌靖并得到指导,成为朋友。凌靖频繁挑衅警队,引得整个狙击手队伍出动围捕他。凌靖拼死力战,独战警队。怎料,克明以自己作饵,加上O仔的助攻,让他不慎暴露了位置。最后,到底哪方会胜利?而凌靖又可以为自己找到应有的公平吗?