回复 :After surgery glamorous actress, Veronica Ghent, travels with her nurse, Desi, to the remote highlands in order to attend a healing retreat. The other guests are eccentric and there is something different about the land; the nature seems to have a purpose of its own. Immersing herself in the dramatic surroundings, Veronica is given a new lease of life and finds purpose through the magical elements in the land. Desi must overcome her own battles to help Veronica make peace with herself. Veronica and Desi, the motherless child and the childless mother, find in each other a sense of family, and the future of a new dawn opens up to them.
回复 :单亲家庭的罗子茜高三刚刚毕业,正处于青春叛逆期,时常晚上和一些同学去体验都市夜生活所带来的刺激与潇洒。在新闻的报道空姐遇害事件当天晚上,罗子茜妈妈给罗子茜打无数次电话,罗子茜在酒吧看到妈妈来的电话一直不接听。 女儿一直不接电话,在家焦急的罗子茜妈妈心中很是担心、一直未眠坐,在沙发上等着女儿回家。罗子茜在潇洒过后回到家中,在妈妈的声声质问下,母女俩展开了激烈的争吵。妈妈一气之下动手打了罗子茜,罗子茜在因此离家出走。罗子茜看见了一个神秘的红色亭子,罗子茜在走进电话停的瞬间,突然间电话铃声响起,罗子茜鼓起勇气接起电话,里面传来一个有如天使一般的声音,秘域灵电与罗子茜的内心深处接通了。
回复 :当山姆在一个偏远的湖里被谋杀时,他的意识开始穿过他的朋友的尸体,试图保护他们免受凶手的害。这条黑暗的段落引导他踏上了更伟大的旅程——发现自己的真实身份。