欧美After a harrowing home invasion and kidnapping in 2015, a couple is accused of staging the ordeal when the woman reappears in this true-crime docuseries.
欧美After a harrowing home invasion and kidnapping in 2015, a couple is accused of staging the ordeal when the woman reappears in this true-crime docuseries.
回复 :
回复 :The least-seen of Mackendrick’s Ealing pictures, The Maggie tells an unusual story of a culture clash between the Old and New Worlds. Its title is the name of a decrepit Scottish vessel whose wily captain blackmails an American tycoon into using his ramshackle boat to move valuable furniture to an island mansion. Mackendrick's precursor to Local Hero applies an almost anthropological interest in the vestiges of village culture in the postwar world to establish an irresolvable dichotomy between Yankee pragmatism and materialism and the penurious charm and superstitions of the islanders
回复 :家境贫寒的梅爱芳(廖子妤 饰)和梅艳芳(王丹妮 饰)是一对甜美可人、歌声动听的姐妹花,为了补贴家用,姐妹俩从小登台演出,声名渐起。及至成年,梅艳芳的魅力渐渐盖过姐姐,她也当之无愧成为家里的顶梁柱。这个天资丰厚的女孩,得到了唱片公司经理苏孝良(林家栋 饰)的垂青,更有金牌经纪人Florence(杨千嬅 饰)、服装设计师刘培基(古天乐 饰)、相识于微时的歌坛巨星张国荣(刘俊谦 饰)等人鼎力相助与悉心陪伴。从一个不谙世事的弱女子,逐渐成长为挡风遮雨的大姐大,梅艳芳的人生充满了传奇。这个嫁给舞台的一代天后,身着华美婚纱,转身隐于聚光灯中……