回复 :Three things are certain about base jumping. You will break your bones. You will watch your friends die. And – if you do it long enough – it will eventually kill you. In this heady, testosterone-packed environment, adrenaline junkie Karina Hollekim is regarded as one of the best of the best. We follow Karina for several years as she hurls herself off increasingly treacherous cliffs in search of the ultimate high. But when tragedy strikes, will the rush have proved worth the price?
回复 :小城桦林,此时,出租司机王响(范伟 饰)做梦也没想到,他还有机会遇到一个他此生最想遇到,又最怕遇到的人。是仇人还是故人?遇到了,就得有交代,给自己,也给儿子。小城桦林,彼时,火车司机王响意气风发,开得了二十挂的钢铁巨兽却管不好鸡毛蒜皮的三口小家,工厂摇摇欲坠,危机处处紧逼。一包身份未明的碎尸像一块石头砸在桦林的水面上,也砸在王响的头脑里,这片涟漪一荡就是20年,荡到秋叶泛黄,从未停歇。迷失的父亲,死亡的恋人、重逢的老友,因一个未解的谜题被困在三个不同的时代里,只为追寻一个跨越了过去、现在、未来的真相,当谜底揭开时,时空融为一体,在漫长的季节里只剩命运的挽歌。
回复 :华金·曼查多坐镇巴塞罗那海港,用铁腕手段统治着他的毒品帝国——直到一批新货搅乱了他的生意和家族。