缺失When his girlfriend goes missing, David must track down her whereabouts after he realizes she's not who she was pretending to be.
缺失When his girlfriend goes missing, David must track down her whereabouts after he realizes she's not who she was pretending to be.
回复 :特工本·威尔德曼(Ben Wildemann)接受了一份测试富商豪宅安全系统的工作。他成功地进入了大楼的中心,却发现这个商人被展示他指纹的刀刺死了。为了证明自己的清白,他开始寻找陷害他的神秘人。但每个能给出答案的人似乎都被杀了……
回复 :Alexis composes music through torture and pain. As a child, the brutal murder of her family made her regain her previously-lost hearing along with synesthetic abilities.Now as an adult, she’s told she might lose her hearing again, so she escalates her gruesome sound experiments in a quest to compose her masterpiece. Her supportive roommate Marie becomes the unknowing acolyte to her destructive process.
回复 :科尔(尤达·刘易斯 Judah Lewis 饰)是一个个性十分懦弱的男孩,在学校里备受欺凌,回到家中又得不到父母的重视,只有平日里常常来照看他的保姆比(萨玛拉·维文 Samara Weaving 饰)是他最信任和亲近的人,两人之间有着深厚而又惺惺相惜的友谊。科尔十分好奇比在自己睡着了之后会干些什么,于是在某夜偷偷溜下了床,躲在暗中窥视。让科尔感到震惊的是,比带了一群男男女女来到他家的客厅,玩起了真心话大冒险的游戏。随着时间的推移,这场轻佻火辣的游戏开始慢慢变味,突如其来的血腥屠杀让科尔明白,这并不是一场游戏,而比,也绝不是表面看上去的那么简单。