回复 :该剧是讲述当了14年未婚妈妈的女主面前,突然出现了又坏又迷人的畅销小说作家吴大伍(孙浩俊 饰)、完美却吝啬的“国民男友”演员柳镇(宋宗浩 饰)、青春又让人心动的体育老师吴延宇(具子成 饰)、可怕但性感的金融代表具波涛(金民俊 饰),从而展开的“4男重启”浪漫爱情 故事。宋智孝将饰演卢爱贞,她成了电影公司的制作人,她从小就体验了各种出轨,当她面前出现了4个男人之后,和她的意志无关, 她的人生逐渐动摇。
回复 :改編自同名BL文字冒險遊戲《塞比特男子高校學生會》,在學生會相遇的兩人,一個直爽清新,一個外冷內熱,兩人會碰撞出怎樣的火花?
回复 :In 1999, for the 30th anniversary of the original Woodstock festival, organizers planned the three-day Woodstock '99 music festival in an abandoned air force base in Rome, New York. Thousands of people came to the festival. Performers such as Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit performed at the festival. However, all was not peace and love. Bad conditions and inflating prices for water led to riots and looting on the last night of the festival.