回复 :A cave in of a local canal tunnel under restoration reveals the skeletons of eight individuals. While most of the skeletons are from a cave in when the canal was under construction in the 19th century, one is obviously of a more recent vintage. Dental records identify him as Eric Edwards who was reported missing in 1965. Supt. Barnaby delves into the history of the canal to see if he can find a connection. DS Troy is over the moon when he learns that he has qualified as a Detective Inspector and that there may be a job for him in another county. In what may be his last case in Midsomer, he follows up on an anonymous tip that teenagers are harassing a local hermit, Tom. When one of those teenagers is shot through the head, Barnaby leaves "Inspector" Troy in charge of the case.
回复 :20多岁的他孤独又笨拙,还总被自己臆想中的调皮巫师误导,在寻找女朋友时一次次故态萌发。
回复 :台劇「通靈少女」今天宣布將續拍第二季,已確定女主角「小真」繼續由郭書瑤擔綱演出,導演陳和榆透露,第二季將會有更多宮廟文化的面向,「小真」將面臨到更複雜的人性問題。