国产After a winter storm strands five friends in a remote cabin with no power and little food, disorientation slowly claims their sanity as each of them succumbs to a fear that the snow itself may be contaminated or somehow evil.
国产After a winter storm strands five friends in a remote cabin with no power and little food, disorientation slowly claims their sanity as each of them succumbs to a fear that the snow itself may be contaminated or somehow evil.
回复 :心碎的凯从台北来到巴西的沿海城市疗愈情伤。在经历了一连串的挫折之后,他来到了福安开的雨伞店,从而开启了一段奇妙的旅程。这是一部带有喜剧及奇幻色彩的写实作品。
回复 :两个10岁的孩子无意间在郊外发现一部看似被遗弃的警车;结果他们居然异想天开地把车给开去兜风,但除了令人无言、毛骨悚然、自杀式的驾驶技术外,他俩对自己惹上了什么麻烦也浑然不知。当警车的主人---小镇警长(凯文·贝肯 Kevin Bacon 饰)找上门来要回他失踪的警车时 ,情况更是雪上加霜。两个小鬼头这时才发现他们已陷入一场危险又致命的猫捉老鼠游戏中……
回复 :十九世纪末,残暴的地主Seamus Laurent屠杀了一个罗姆人部族,给他的家庭和村庄带来了诅咒。在接下来的日子里,镇民们被噩梦所困扰,Seamus的儿子Edward失踪,一个男孩被发现被谋杀。当地人怀疑是野生动物,但来访的病理学家约翰-麦克布赖德警告说,森林里潜伏着更邪恶的存在。