回复 :影片设定在一个由精灵、巨魔和灵魂等组成的郊外幻想世界,在那里独角兽在垃圾桶中穿行,像是有着糖果条纹的负鼠。影片提供了一个前提,即魔法是真实的,但它早已被现代技术所遗忘和取代。一对十几岁的兄弟,在他们尚不更事时父亲便已离世,他们决定进入这个幻想世界,与父亲共度最后一个神奇的日子。霍兰德配音弟弟伊安、帕拉特配音聒噪的哥哥、德瑞弗斯配音兄弟二人的母亲、斯宾瑟则会利用其声线的优势。
回复 :穿越到修仙世界却发现自己不符合男主角设定的东方纤云,误把重生一次前来复仇的二师弟印飞星当做“主角”。本打算抱紧主角大腿活下去,却被“大腿”一脚踹下悬崖,由此踏上魔修反派道路。天真单纯的大乘期魔修易相逢,玄铭宗大弟子花花公子东方芜穹、同为穿越者的天道使者卜算天等角色悉数登场。【伏魔大会】风云汇聚,正道魔修之战一触即发,前逍遥门大弟子、现百媚教魔修大师兄,东方纤云被卷入生死攸关的危机之中……
回复 :When a mysterious and dangerous whirlpool phenomenon appears in the tropics of the Atlantic Ocean, Belka and Strelka, the first astronauts on their way back from a mission to Saturn, are sent to investigate. As they venture down into the swirling ocean depths, they discover a mysterious UFO attempting to steal all of Earth's water. With the help of their good friends, Belka and Strelka once again perform a heroic mission to save both our planet and the distant home of their new alien friends.