汇通The Garden Left Behind traces the relationship between Tina, a young transwoman, and Eliana, her grandmother, as they navigate Tina's transition and struggle to build a life for themselves as undocumented immigrants in New York City.
汇通The Garden Left Behind traces the relationship between Tina, a young transwoman, and Eliana, her grandmother, as they navigate Tina's transition and struggle to build a life for themselves as undocumented immigrants in New York City.
回复 :本喜劇片為徐蝦導演。董驃、錢小豪及蔣金在片中飾三個職業扒手,一向合作無間,惟董一次意外失手被補下獄;錢及蔣在外,到處碰釘,好不容易等到董出獄,忙迎接,準備重出江湖,大幹一番。董曾對女兒佯稱赴南洋營商,乃喬裝南洋闊客返家,因扮相古怪,惹途人圍觀,三人技癢難當,左穿右插,大施空空妙手;羅莽飾的保安隊長,見三人奇裝異服,招引群眾,嚴詞詰問,董閱歷豐富,指東說西,自詡身份特殊,使羅躬身謝罪……
回复 :The direction of The Sleeping Tiger was credited to Victor Hanbury, but this was actually a pseudonym for the blacklisted Joseph Losey, whose first British film this was. Alexander Knox stars as psychiatrist Clive Esmond, who believes that he can stem the criminal tendencies of young fugitive from justice Frank Clements (Dirk Bogarde). To this end, Esmond hides Clements in his own home. At first hostile towards the handsome crook, Esmond's wife Glenda (Alexis Smith) gradually warms up to her house guest, and before long she and Clements are casting lustful glances at one another. She intends to run off with Clements and make a new life for herself, when suddenly he decides that he actually wants to reform. If nothing else, The Sleeping Tiger is a fascinating precursor to the sexual tensions prevalent in Losey's later Harold Pinter adaptations. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
回复 :影片讲述了小主人公“宝贝”在爸妈分居后,因妈妈工作原因,转学到姥姥家附近学校后发生的故事:“宝贝”妈妈忙于工作,忽视了对他的陪伴,使“宝贝”在陌生的环境里感觉更加孤单,但好在他遇到了一些新的朋友。他们一起在周边闯荡“冒险”,机缘巧合偶遇了自己的音乐启蒙导师……在经历了众多动人心弦的故事后,他们组建了自己的乐队,并参加了迷笛音乐节......