驻扎在四川广元的九连长梁三喜(吕晓禾 饰)为了从军政治部调来的指导员赵蒙生(唐国强 饰)推迟了探亲假,守护可出身高干家庭吃不了苦的蒙生打算只干几个月就走。1979年,守护赵母吴爽(刘燕生 饰)得知蒙生部队将要赴越作战,加紧督办调动之事。耿直的炮排长靳开来(何伟 饰)听说后火冒三丈,扬言要自费上北京告状。部队开赴云南边境,吴爽孤注一掷请求军长雷震(童超 饰)将蒙生调回后方……
驻扎在四川广元的九连长梁三喜(吕晓禾 饰)为了从军政治部调来的指导员赵蒙生(唐国强 饰)推迟了探亲假,守护可出身高干家庭吃不了苦的蒙生打算只干几个月就走。1979年,守护赵母吴爽(刘燕生 饰)得知蒙生部队将要赴越作战,加紧督办调动之事。耿直的炮排长靳开来(何伟 饰)听说后火冒三丈,扬言要自费上北京告状。部队开赴云南边境,吴爽孤注一掷请求军长雷震(童超 饰)将蒙生调回后方……
回复 :Spiraling out after a bad breakup, Wes ends up at a remote rest stop miles away from civilization. His situation worsens after he finds himself locked inside the bathroom with a mysterious figure speaking to him from an adjacent stall. As Wes tries to escape, he realizes he is an unwilling player in a situation bigger and more terrible than he could possibly imagine.
回复 :In 2010 David Crowley, an Iraq veteran, aspiring filmmaker and charismatic up-and-coming voice in fringe politics, began production on his film 'Gray State.' Set in a dystopian near-future where civil liberties are trampled by an unrestrained federal government, the film's crowd funded trailer was enthusiastically received by the burgeoning online community of libertarians, Tea Party activists as well as members of the nascent alt-right. In January of 2015, Crowley was found dead with his family in their suburban Minnesota home. Their shocking deaths quickly become a cause célèbre for conspiracy theorists who speculate that Crowley was assassinated by a shadowy government concerned about a film and filmmaker that was getting too close to the truth about their aims.
回复 :宋丹如(容祖儿 饰)刚刚毕业就幸运的进入了一间学校成为了老师,然而,想要那群顽皮的学生乖乖听话可不是那么容易的事情。工作之余,宋丹如做模特兼职以补贴家用,谈吐和穿着都土里土气的她让摄影师陈东源(陈晓东 饰)十分看不过眼,总忍不住要找宋丹如的碴,和她过不去。宋丹如化名天使在网上遇见了名叫深蓝的网友,彼此之间聊得十分投机。宋丹如将白天遇到的不如意一一向深蓝倾诉,而深蓝亦温柔而包容的安慰着她。宋丹如并不知道的是,这个深蓝竟然就是平日里对她处处刁难的陈东源。天使和深蓝决定见面,而这一消息被陈东源的同事偶然得知,一个诡计就此酝酿。