回复 :In The Nightmare, director Rodney Ascher (Room 237) has done just that. The film explores the condition commonly referred to as “sleep paralysis.” That’s a condition where someone is in bed, but totally physically immobilized. Some who suffer from the condition – including the eight subjects in this documentary – feel they are visited by something evil during these periods. Ascher lets these subjects tell their stories, then we watch them play out on screen. It’s absolutely horrifying, if not wholly rewarding.
回复 :Valeria, a young woman expecting her first child, becomes cursed by a sinister entity. Plunged into a terrifying and dangerous world, a group of witches emerge as her only hope for safety and salvation, but not without grave risk.
回复 :蓬莱仙馆英勇少年赤松阴错阳差被师傅吕逸惩罚,离开松山云游四海。返乡途中赤松意外的发现了魔教阴谋而遭到该组织的迫害。魔教大肆扰民惑众、散播谣言,同时派出四大怪兽“风、火、雷、电”鱼肉百姓。赤松几经磨难联合刁蛮公主与大将军共同宣战魔教。三人协力最终铲除魔教,保护了家园,百姓得以安居乐业……