回复 :史前一万年的世界,神秘而幽远。在终年为白雪覆盖的大白山上,生活着以打猎为生的亚高族。他们擅长捕猎猛犸象,然而随着猛犸象越来越少,亚高族也逐渐走向末路。具有预知能力的老妈妈临死前做出预言:亚高族将面临四脚恶魔的入侵,届时族人将迎来最后一次狩猎,在此之后一位伟大的战士就会出现,并迎娶躲避战乱来到部落的蓝眼睛小女孩伊芙乐(Camilla Belle 饰)为妻,最终带领亚高族远离饥饿。族人们对此深信不疑,耐心等待决定命运的时刻的到来。男孩达雷(Steven Strait 饰)和卡恩(Mo Zinal 饰)对伊芙乐都心存爱慕。某日,消失十多年的猛犸象群重新回到大白山,达雷阴差阳错杀死一头猛犸象,赢得了女孩的心。不久,野蛮的外族入侵,虏走了美丽的伊芙乐。为了找回爱人,达雷和伙伴们踏上了充满艰险的旅途……
回复 :你想象过和前任久别重逢的场景吗?你会抱紧,还是逃离?从小生活在重男轻女环境中的女孩陈见夏(孙千 饰),在振华中学遇见了叛逆却善良的浑小子李燃(张新成 饰),他成为陈见夏生活里的唯一光亮。他们彼此救赎,却又遗憾分开。多年后,重逢的那刻才明白,以为是反复地爱上你,原来是,我一直没有停止过爱你。
回复 :Salomé is 69-year-old and doesn't want to grow old in a society that pays little attention to elderly people; thus, she has organized her disappearance. She plans her last evening in detail, as she thinks about the last time she will have sexual intercourse. With the held of Sandra, a filmmaker, Salomé organizes a casting to choose the person with whom she will make love for the last time. But, as she abandons herself to pleasures, she discovers something new: her last time will also be a first time, just like every end is also a new beginning.