回复 :Ana is alive and married with Antonio; they arrive in the manor in the countryside of Spain where she worked as a nanny many years ago, for the centennial birthday of the matriarch. In their reunion, she finds that Jose died three years ago; Juan left his wife Luchy; Fernando is still living with his mother and unsuccessfully trying to fly a hang glider; and the three little girls are grown-up. Further, she discovers that the dysfunctional family is completely broken, and Luchy in embezzling mother's money. When Juan arrives for the celebration, he plots with Fernando and Luchy to kill the mother to get the inheritance. Meanwhile, Antonio has a brief affair with Natalia.
回复 :根据荣获第一届“矛盾”文学奖的刘心武先生同名小说改编。北京中轴线上,“钟鼓楼”附近的一个四合院里有九户人家。在这里每一个家庭都自己一本难念的“经”。故事通过薛家在一天中娶儿媳的情节,展开了各家各户之间的矛盾冲突然袭击和感情纠葛。剧中人既有国家干部、人民教师、文学编辑、大学生,也有武术拳师、京剧名伶、街道妇女、个体户、捡破烂的。全剧叙述了普通百姓们的喜怒哀乐以及对美好未来的憧憬,带有浓烈的北京市井的味道,是八十年代北京人生活的真实写照……
回复 :清乾隆年间,云南铜矿发生了一起惊天动地的大案。云南总督鄂文英对铜矿工人和矿主盘剥、谋取私利,矿工奋起抗争,鄂文英下令残酷镇压,工人血流成河,鄂文英却欺上瞒下。矿工刘昆亮冒死逃至京城,告了御状。乾隆震怒,在左都御史钱沣的推荐下,派李侍尧前往云南彻查铜案……