回复 :故事发生在20世纪30年代,波涛汹涌的动荡岁月,厦门郑记洋行的少爷郑世贤(冯绍峰 饰)在台湾邂逅美丽温柔的绣花女高淑华(佟丽娅 饰)。郑瞒着父亲和未婚妻罗美芳(隋俊波 饰),私自与淑华成亲,并在婚后生下仪君(陆子艺 饰)和铭杰(孙天宇 饰)一双可爱的儿女。谁知好景不吵,郑老爷(寇世勋 饰)命人将儿子劫回厦门,为了挽救日薄西山的生意,逼迫世贤和美芳完婚。转眼七年过去,淑华母子受尽贫苦凌辱,背负着苦痛的女子终于撒手人寰。在此之后,小姐弟逃离了狠心的舅妈家,上路寻找生父。另一方面,婚后无子的世贤也一直没有放弃寻找淑华母子的念头,然而美芳则想方设法破坏这一切。父子间对面相逢不相识,这难道不是人世间最大的悲剧?
回复 :Lucia is single mom of a little girl that loves Christmas, Leo. One night she falls in love on a blind date with Sergio, desperate of how to tell her daughter the news; tricks her by telling her that his new boyfriend it's actually Santa. Now the boyfriend has to prove himself and convince her and he does, but eventually she finds out. The illusion breaks but the magic remains so she visits Sergio in his restaurant to give him her letter, asking not toys but a family, and they both granted her wish.
回复 :one31 2023