回复 :维克多(瑞沙德•斯垂克 Reshad Strik 饰)曾是一名优秀的冲浪运动员,却在职业的最巅峰因为膝盖受伤而不得不告别了赛场。他将自己对冲浪运动未尽的愿望全部都寄托在了弟弟杰西(拉奇兰•布坎南 Lachlan Buchanan 饰)的身上,这种强烈的期望常常让杰西感到痛苦不堪。福格斯(沙维尔•塞缪尔 Xavier Samuel 饰)是家中最小的一个,虽然他对冲浪也有着强烈的热情,但这种热情却总是被哥哥们忽视。一场意外中,维克多和杰西之间冻结多年的坚冰终于得到了化解。而福格斯也遇到了名为安迪(柯克•詹金斯 Kirk Jenkins 饰)的男孩,安迪所散发出来的雄性荷尔蒙深深的令福格斯感到着迷,而他的出轨却让维克多十分的痛苦。
回复 :Justin Long and Emmy Rossum are star-crossed lovers whose relationship blooms and unravels over the course of six years in this mysterious, dazzlingly original romance. When a chance encounter brings together the cynical Dell (Long) and the quick-witted Kimberly (Rossum), the stage is set for a tempestuous love affair that unfolds like a puzzle. As the film zigzags back and forth in time-from a meteor shower in LA, to an encounter in a Paris hotel room, to a fateful phone call-an unforgettable portrait of a relationship emerges. Sumptuously shot and boasting incredible chemistry between the leads, Comet is a one-of-a-kind cosmic love story.
回复 :Casey Affleck plays Jim, a young man who, after deciding he can't make it on his own, moves back to his hometown in Indiana -- under his parents' roof. He's saved from his family's dysfunction by a local woman and her son, who sees him as a father figure.讲述一个27岁的男子回家和父母一起住,当年青的吉姆(Casey Affleck演)决定自己无法独力完成后, 他回到在印第安纳的家乡小镇-- 让双亲庇护着。而当地一名妇女和她儿子解决了吉姆和家庭不和谐的关系,那个小孩更把他当成父亲般看待,想办法履行棘手的家庭责任。