回复 :The most vivid pages of Russian history and the establishment and consolidation of Russian state power are associated with the eighteen Russian Tsars of the House of Romanov which include such historic names as Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Nicholas I and Alexanders I, II and III. The dynasty ended with the brutal assassination of the last Tsar, Nicholas II and his family by the Bolsheviks in Ekaterinburg in 1917.The Romanov dynasty played a hugely important role in world history, and the series highlights the life stories and characters of the tsars, recounting their rise to power and their contribution to the dynasty, their merits and their faults, their achievements and mistakes, their victories and defeats in war.The series also examines the Russian form of 'Caesarism' as a system of state administration - its advantages and drawbacks and how the Russian state changed under the Romanov's rule.THE ROMANOVS is told in eight epic one-hour episodes using a unique combination of magnificent CGI animation and dramatic reconstruction with careful and accurate attention paid to each period.
回复 :一群好朋友坐船出游,在遭遇了撞船事故后,他们被困在一个不知名的小岛上。在那里,他们遇到了一个原始的部落。
回复 :阿龙(张坚庭 饰)是一名的士司机,痴痴的爱慕着电视台的女记者阿珍(张曼玉 饰)。为了讨阿珍的欢心,阿龙常常利用自己身为出租车司机所拥有的独特的情报网来替阿珍获取第一手的新闻素材,凭借着阿龙的帮助,阿珍在电视台的地位节节攀升,成为了上司眼下的红人。然而,不同寻常的事情哪 会天天发生,而新闻报道则日日都有。当阿龙得不到素材时,便开始亲手“制造”新闻,哪知道因此而惹出了一连串的麻烦,令阿珍对他的好感度大跌,阿龙识趣的渐渐远离了阿珍。电视台里的竞争是如此的激烈,渐渐屈居人后的阿珍再度找到了阿龙,这一次,她需要一个劲爆的大新闻,来挽回自己在上司心目中的分量。