回复 :Charlie, a young aristocrat in turn of the century England, meets a boy named Frank on the road to Portsmouth. What Charlie doesn't realize is that Frank is actually Frances, who's donned a disguise to escape working at a brothel. Charlie takes Frank/Frances into his home, and when he discovers her true identity, the two become lovers. He sends her to London to be trained by his mistress in the art of sex, but she learns much more about her identity as a woman. Before the opening credits, explicitly on-screen it reads: "Based on the famous Victorian erotic novel by an anonymous writer".
回复 :庵野秀明 担任脚本·监督 电影『新 假面骑士』制作决定!!!原作: 石ノ森章太郎脚本・監督: 庵野秀明预计2023年3月公开。
回复 :本片讲述了一对失意夫妇萨蒂和梅塔的故事。两人因感情破裂即将分道扬镳,但命运却和他们开了个玩笑,萨蒂遭遇了一场意外,醒来后便失忆了。唯一能唤回他部分记忆的方法就是找回老照片,在照片中,他面对着自己不堪回首的过去。