国产Nala, a 13-year-old girl from the city, travels with her family to her grandmother's home in the countryside, to try to find a cure for her little sister's mysterious illness - But she'll soon find her granny is not exactly what she seems.
国产Nala, a 13-year-old girl from the city, travels with her family to her grandmother's home in the countryside, to try to find a cure for her little sister's mysterious illness - But she'll soon find her granny is not exactly what she seems.
回复 :黑色公路喜剧片,讲述一名被诬陷私吞公款的公司职员与不良少女携手逃亡的故事,由韩国著名音乐人朴振英跨界演出,搭档《阳光姐妹淘》“冰山美少女”闵孝琳。
回复 :一名松露猎手(凯奇饰)独自居住在俄勒冈州的野外,当他心爱的觅食猪被绑架后,他必须前往波特兰,带着自己被抛弃的过往,去拯救那只猪。
回复 :2006年,某广告公司文案蒋亮亮(冯绍峰 饰)和演员喵喵(倪妮 饰)相会于熙攘喧嚣的北京街头。他搭乘着从富二代车中出来后贸然坐入他车中的喵喵,与对方的兰博基尼相互飙车,看似见义勇为,却也给自己引来不小的麻烦。因工作关系,亮亮与喵喵再度相逢,二人相谈甚欢,别样的情感在彼此心底悄然升起。闹市的莫大孤独感,最终让两人走到一起。他们在北京一角同居,体会着属于两人的微妙幸福感。只是虚妄的幸福过后,裂痕在他们心间产生。亮亮号称对女性有“不主动、不拒绝、不负责”三大原则,而他和包括前女友梅梅等女性之间藕断丝连、暧昧之情也让喵喵心中滋生种种不安。这条路,他们该如何走下去……