回复 :親情、友情、愛情交織!爆笑又勵志的青春成長詩篇!描述富二代獨生子,愛躲在舒適圈,唯一的興趣就是設計女性內衣,因此有了「Bra太子」的封號。他舒適的生活,某日起了滔天的變化。
回复 :In the Alpine village of Tolzbad in the 1800s, the townsfolk talk quietly and restrain their movements lest they incur avalanches. This atmosphere lends itself to repressed emotions - shown through the parallel stories of butler student Johann lusting after his mother (an old flame of the mysterious Count Knotkers) and Klara's attraction to her father (who lusts after his other daughter), leading to duels and suicidal plunges galore. All this is shot in the style of an early German sonal film, complete with intertitles, crackly sound-track and 'hand-tinted' colour effects.- Written by Michael Brooke <michael@everyman.demon.co.uk>
回复 :表面看来,梅根(海莉·斯坦菲尔德 Hailee Steinfeld 饰)是一位天真美丽的十六岁少女,可实际上,她的真实身份却是享誉全国的职业杀手。在本应该尽情挥洒青春光彩的年纪,梅根却同鲜血和枪支为伴,长久以来打打杀杀躲躲藏藏的漂泊生活,令梅根心生退意。在大费周折伪造了自己的死亡现场后,拥有全新的名字和身份的梅根来到了梦寐以求的高中,在这里,她只是一位平凡的高中三年级女生,即将享受只属于她的高中生活。刚开始,一切看起来都是那么的美好,可渐渐地,为了保守秘密,梅根不得不制造了一个又一个谎言,与此同时,梅根那挥之不去的过往亦如影随形。