回复 :The Giant Oarfish, the largest bony fish in the world, was known only by rare examples that died by stranding, as well as one sole fossil. Its extraordinary dimensions, as long as 15 meters, and shape in the form of a silver ribbon, inspired the myth of the sea serpent.For the past two years, scientific buoys, immersed at a depth of two thousand meters in the Mediterranean, off the French Riviera, have attracted countless species of pelagic fish ; among them, the Giant Oarfish drifting vertically, alone or by pairs. With the help of the world expert in Giant Oarfish and logistic collaboration of enthusiasts, a scientific expedition reveals the biology of this enigmatic ambassador of the abyss. Entirely shot in Ultra High Definition, the film raises the veil on its paradoxical habits: why do all the adults self-mutilate and rid themselves of two-thirds of their bodies without being affected? How do they meet in the immensity of the ocean? Why does this fish not have any known predators?
回复 :濒临死亡的父亲(涂们饰)有着辉煌的过去,虽英雄迟暮但内心依然狂放不羁,以异于常人、不近情理的倔强态度抗拒着死亡 的召唤;国外回来的山山(德格娜饰)仍然处在叛逆期,完全无法融入父辈的生活,蹂躏着自己的情感和身体;母亲(艾丽娅饰)亦与父亲、山山拥有完全不同的生活观、价值观,已在世俗红尘生活中游刃有余,招人烦又令人怜悯;还有琐碎、世俗的姑姑,慈悲的奶奶。一家人在父亲即将告别人世的短暂时间里,彼此交织、碰撞又互相隔膜,怀着许多人生解不开的愁绪,夹杂着种种酸涩滋味及各种复杂情绪,但最终送走死亡,告别过去,迎来新生,尤其是随着山山的结婚生子,意味着她亦有了真正的心灵归宿。
回复 :一事無成,沒有朋友的停車場夜間保全志明,意外在海邊拯救了原想自殺的青年阿堯。受到志明的善意感召,阿堯決定暫緩自己的死亡,用生命的最後半天,幫志明完成他的心願。為了紀念死者,也為了撫慰生者,導演透過電影輕輕揮手,告別沒來得及說再見的離世友人。