回复 :明朝中业,天下太平。为人低调,但却有一派女中豪杰风范的游念慈(薛家燕饰)在“池力共镇”经营一间名为“洞蜜园”的饭庄。当年念慈是号称“赛凤凰”的女山贼,劫富济贫,武功了得。自嫁给金华(罗乐林饰)后金盆洗手,全力经营饭庄并养育非己所出的三名子女。怎奈金华过世,念慈便担当起了家中重任。一晃三兄妹长大成人,长子金年(林文龙饰)才高八斗,深得朝廷重用;二弟金月(谢天华饰)自幼体弱多病,对各种养生之道极有研究;三妹金日(陈彦行饰)待嫁闺中。时值深田公主(廖碧儿饰)以文招亲挑选驸马,金年因力斥公主兴建荷花池而触怒了她,被贬返乡接任“池力共镇”县令一职。由此展开了一段段令人啼笑皆非又高潮迭起的搞笑故事。香港无线电视于2001年出品的长篇古装情景喜剧《皆大欢喜古装版》,由薛家燕、林文龙、谢天华等联袂出演。2003年TVB再次推出《皆大欢喜时装版》,依旧由原班人马主演。
回复 :Life and death spin savagely out of control. Familiar faces scramble to survive the brutality, and wrenching betrayal lurks around every corner.
回复 :As the new season of this totally re-imagined show opens, Martin Odum is a fugitive, hiding out in present day London and wanted by the FBI for a crime he did not commit. He can't remember his life prior to an injury he suffered in the Iraq War, so he's searching for clues about his true identity with the help of CIA agent Nina Brenner. Meanwhile, in 2001, FBI agent Curtis Ballard and his Czech Police partner, Gabi Miskova, launch an investigation into a Russian gangster named Dimitry.