回复 :A Very Public Education will see the headteacher and a small group of Year 9 and 10 pupils from one state secondary school and one private, boarding secondary school swapping places to spend a week immersed in the school life of the other.By filming the experiences and reactions of the individuals involved and those around them in each school, the series aims to provide an insight into some of the key differences between the two sectors at a time when education is a political battlefield and the broad perception is of a gulf in standards between them.With more than a third of the current cabinet having emerged from fee-paying schools and regular reports about state school pupils falling behind their privately-educated counterparts in landing places at the best universities and the best jobs, the programmes will set out to explore the social, economic and educational challenges and differences that face both groups. But, over the two episodes, it will also seek to highlight shared experiences to see what they can potentially learn from each other.The two schools involved are The Bemrose School, in Derby and Warminster School, in Wiltshire. Both schools are mixed gender and the pupils taking part in the swap are drawn from pupils aged 13-15 from Years 9 and 10.
回复 :《天籁之战》第二季是由东方卫视、东方娱乐自主原创的大型星素结合励志音乐类节目。该节目是由民间歌者现场选择明星歌手作为竞唱对象,并且为其挑选比赛曲目,随后明星歌手在24小时内对歌曲做极限改编,双方通过同台竞技来进行一场场“遇强愈强”的巅峰对决。
回复 :阴云密布的本能町,在神秘恐怖的本能字学园,高高在上的学生会长鬼龙院皋月(柚木凉香 配音)只手遮天,她通过“极制服”统领校内的学生,极制服由所佩戴的星星数量分级,级别越高拥有的战斗力就越强。这一天,一个背着单片太刀剪的女孩出现在本能字学园门口。她叫缠流子(小清水亚美 配音 ),为了调查杀害父亲的真正凶手而来到这个凶险的所在。谁知她刚刚到来不久,便遭到蟇郡苛(稻田彻 配音)、猿投山渦(桧山修之 配音)等学生会四天王的阻击。关键时刻,缠流子意外得到父亲制作的黑色神衣,由此战斗力大增。连番激烈的战斗在本能字学园展开……