回复 :影片讲述了史上最英勇女战士的非凡故事,改编自发生在19世纪非洲西海岸的真实历史事件。当外来侵略者虎视眈眈,位于西非的达荷美王国组建了一支完全由女性组成的军团,她们骁勇善战、所向披靡,誓要粉碎侵略者的野心。影片展现了纳尼斯卡将军震撼人心的旅程——她训练下一代新兵,并让她们做好准备,不惜一切代价保卫家园……
回复 :"诚实国度的爱丽丝"描画的是一个女人盲目的爱情以及各种纠结缠绕波澜万丈的故事。这篇电影是以短篇电影积累经验的安国真导演的长篇电影处女作。
回复 :SHOT! The Psycho-Spiritual Mantra of Rock is an odyssey into the colorful and bohemian tales of rock 'n' roll's history. A cinematic adventure that delves deep into the mind of one of rock's greatest living photographers: Mick Rock. Through the poignant lens of rock 'n' roll mythology; icon-maker, psychedelic explorer, poet, and custodian of dreams Mick Rock navigates his story from the glam rock shimmer of London to the snarl of NYC punk, and deep into the new millennium. Mick turns inward to face himself and the experiences as the visual record-keeper of myths and legends that propelled him into a living icon in this rock n’ roll comeback story.