回复 :Mona (Maëlle Poésy) has recently arrived in New York from France in order to mount her newest play — an autobiographical piece that depicts her tumultuous, on-again, off-again affair with a married photographer, Nick (Linas Phillips). Mona casts Chris (Keith Poulson) as Nick and Thérèse (Esther Garrel) to play the fictional version of herself. As rehearsals begin, a love quadrangle emerges: Mona falls for Chris, Chris becomes infatuated with Mona, and Thérèse develops deep feelings for Chris. This tangled roundelay unfolds in five chapters, covering the same events from each of the four character’s perspectives and culminating in a fraught production of the play itself.
回复 :一次偶然中,呆头呆脑的诺亚(克里斯·奥尼尔 Chris O'Neil 饰)和他古灵精怪的妹妹艾玛(莱茵侬·雷-瑞恩 Rhiannon Leigh Wryn 饰)在沙滩上发现了一个神秘的盒子,在盒子中,两人发现了许多前所未见的“玩具”和一只能够同他们交流的玩具兔子,这些神奇的发现让诺亚和艾玛拥有了许多自然科学无法解释的特异能力。乔(朱莉·理查德森 Joely Richardson 饰)发现了自己两个孩子的异常,可包括丈夫大卫(蒂莫西·赫顿 Timothy Hutton 饰)在内的所有人都不相信她所言。国土安全部的特工布劳德曼(迈克·克拉克·邓肯 Michael Clarke Duncan 饰)带走了神秘的盒子,孩子们和玩具兔子被迫分离。眼看着玩具兔子的生命气息越来越微弱,诺亚和艾玛能够将它从危险中拯救出来吗?
回复 :该剧是一部梦想成为现代版林尚玉的女子龙秀晶(严贤京 饰)与绝症患者吕义柱(徐俊英 饰)相遇,两人开展了一段从摇篮到坟墓的浪漫复仇故事。