回复 :大学毕业后的李朝阳(陈天星 饰),与其他70、80、90后大学毕业生一样,怀揣伟大梦想拥入首都北京,奋斗拼搏七、八年后终归“无车无房无老婆”且债台高筑。现实的骨感迫使无耐的李朝阳回到故乡准备重新创业,却发现家乡早己“物是人非、人情炎凉”。唯有已成人妻的陈静(江若琳 饰)还念初恋情怀,积极助他一臂之力……然而物质生活的残酷,再一次把李朝阳的激情粉碎了一地……难道真的是“除了衣锦还乡,就只能落魄异乡”、“进不去的城市,回不了的故乡”吗?
回复 :观看并帮助超级明星兰维尔·辛格和冒险家贝尔格里尔斯在塞尔维亚荒野寻找一种罕见的花。
回复 :Giulio, a teenage boy lives with his father. He is in love with his mother, Agnese because her hands were the first to welcome him. He reminds the last weekend they spent together. She takes care but doesn't love, she's lost in her thoughts and doesn't let anyone get closer, not even him. Two days to understand each other, two days to love each other, and to leave in the end. At her funeral, he steals the hearse and drives away.